Sunday, January 5, 2014

Yesterday I ended up taking out the whole bracelet so I have to start all over.  I was hoping to keep the MRAW band but it was not to be.   Today is the day to take down the Xmas tree so not much beading will be done.  Last night we finally watched The Princess Bride!  It was very cute and funny!  We are always slow to get to movies.  Tonight Season 4 of Downton Abbey starts and I am looking forward to that!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Time for Beading

Today as the sun came up the sky turned a beautiful pale shade of pink but my computer tells me it is only 1 degree outside  brrrr.  Time to head south.  Deciding what to take with me for beads is always a hard task.  I finally have them packed but left out some beads to bead a little this weekend.  Everything else is packed and ready to go!  I am going  to go back and work on a cuff I made earlier then took apart because it wasn't quite right.  Glad I took pictures.  Now I understand the concept better I will remake it and see how it turns out this time

Friday, January 3, 2014

Starting a Blog

I have been talking about starting a blog to keep a history of my bead creation though process.  So here goes!  This is one of my Rick Rack bracelets from Jean Power's book Geometric Beadwork that is featured in Volume II of Contemporary Geometric Beadwork by Kate McKinnon.